The Doctrine on Baptism in the Haereticarum Fabularum Compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus


This paper presents the doctrine on baptism in the Haereticarum fabularum compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus. From this presentation we learn that Theodoret presents in this work a multi-contextual image of the “all-holy” baptism. The divine origin of the sacrament determined Theodoret to offer it a special place within his theological system. This special place is expressed through the setting of the chapter concerning baptism as well: it is put between the soteriological Christology and the chapters concerning Theodoret’s eschatology, the latter being an introduction to the ethical chapters.

Papp György: The Doctrine on Baptism in the Haereticarum Fabularum Compendium of Theodoret of Cyrus. In: Papp György (ed.): In aetatum confiniis. A Dialogue between Early, Early Modern and Contemporary Church on Various Topics of Christian Doctrine. (2021), 119--145