New Testament
A keresztelés Az apostolok cselekedeteiben
Lukács a maga szerkesztői-teológiai koncepciója szerint fogalmaz és néha nem utólag foglalja össze mondanivalóját. Nem összegezve vonja le a tanulságokat, hanem bizonyos eseményekről gyakran alapvetésként, kiinduló állásfoglalásként számol be. Így a leírt események bizonytalan vagy mesterséges kronológiai sorrendben követik egymást. Ezek a leírások gyakran kimondatlanul is meghatározzák a kanonikus sorrendben vagy éppen a valós kronológiai sorrendben utánuk következő eseményeket és leírásokat.
Adakozás a görög–római világban és az Újszövetségben
Tanulmányunkban az antik görög-római adakozás-ethoszt vizsgáltuk meg a hellenizmus korától a korai császárság koráig. Megvizsgálva az adakozással, jótékonysággal kapcsolatos antik, illetve újszövetségi terminológiát, több analógiát is felfedezhetünk az adakozással kapcsolatos filozófiai ideálok, illetve az újszövetségi adakozással kapcsolatos teológiai alapvetés között.
Tőkés István hermeneutikája
The hermeneutics of István Tőkés. Following the First World War, the theological stance of the Transylvanian Reformed Church underwent a significant shift. Faculty members at the Reformed Theological Faculty of Cluj-Napoca embraced a “confessional, biblical, constructive” approach, realigning with core Reformed principles, and subsequently, in 1925, they began to follow Karl Barth’s New Reformed theology. István Tőkés, a New Testament professor at the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj from 1973 to 1983, was mentored by these teachers.
„…ellenségetek, az ördög mint ordító oroszlán…”
‘‘Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion”. Diverse traditions in 1 Peter 5:8–9. The recent reevaluation of the Petrine epistles has significantly influenced the study of the interplay between text and tradition. Scholarly consensus suggests that the First Epistle of Peter is unparalleled in the New Testament for its reliance on tradition. This study explores the implications of this reliance, particularly in relation to 1 Peter 5:8–9. The paper aims to analyse the traditional depiction of the devil in 1 Peter, considering its significance and function within the text’s framework.
Család és rokonság. Ki viseli szívén ma a család gondját?
Family and kinship. Who cares for the family’s concerns today? Practice obedience and love (in the family), for this is pleasing in the Lord (Colossians 3:18–4:1). In an era of secularisation, individuals have drifted from the familial narratives found in the Bible, prioritising personal over communal interests. This shift prompts theologians to consider how they might use Scripture to address contemporary ethical transformations.
„Aki hisz benne, nem szégyenül meg…”
“The one who believes in him will not be put to shame”. Reinterpreting Isaiah 28:16 in Romans 9:33 and 1Peter 2:6. This study delves into the meaning of Isaiah 28:16, examining its original context and subsequent interpretation in the New Testament, with a particular emphasis on the stone metaphor. The first part scrutinises text-critical and semantic issues, considering the Masoretic Texts alongside variant non-Masoretic readings. The latter section assesses the incorporation of the Isaianic text within two New Testament excerpts.
Pál apostol és az Írások
Apostle Paul and the Scriptures. An overview of current research and the price of progress. Among Dezső Kállay's biblical studies, the letters of the apostle Paul appear with special emphasis. Paul’s interpretation of the Scriptures was deeply rooted in the active Scriptural tradition of his era, not isolated in hermeneutical vacuum. The Scriptures represented not just the written text but also its interpretation, thus the Israelites’ faith was likened to both a solid foundation and spiritual sustenance, as they “drank from the spiritual rock” (1 Cor 10:4).
A teve és a tű foka
The Camel and the Eye of the Needle. This paper examines Jesus’ challenging statement in the Gospels about the rich entering the Kingdom of God, likened to a camel through a needle’s eye. We explore variations in this saying across the Gospels and consider interpretations aided by literary parallels from Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic sources. These examples highlight the “eye of a needle” as a metaphor for impossibility, contrasted with a large object like a camel or elephant. While the presented examples are post-biblical, the motif’s roots may be older.