Vigyázzatok, azaz fejlődjetek!

Antropológiai adalékok a tíz szűz példázatához. Mt 25,1–13

Anthropological additions to the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25:1–13 -- The parable of the ten virgins is generally considered to be as the most ambi-guous parable of Jesus in terms of its origin and meaning. Researchers wonder: can be viewed its context in Matthew’s little apocalypse as the very first interpretation of the early church? Is it a genuine, composite text or more a compilation of traditions at all? While these are relevant questions, this paper pays more attention to its final form. The research attempts to reasess its significance through anthro-pological interpretation. The analysis will address the five main issues of the parable: the relevance of the oil, the human choice, the time of man, the foolishness and cleverness of man, and virginity.

Éles Éva: Vigyázzatok, azaz fejlődjetek!. Antropológiai adalékok a tíz szűz példázatához. Mt 25,1–13. In: Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 12.1 (2021), 58--74

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