Tőkés István hermeneutikája


The hermeneutics of István Tőkés. Following the First World War, the theological stance of the Transylvanian Reformed Church underwent a significant shift. Faculty members at the Reformed Theological Faculty of Cluj-Napoca embraced a “confessional, biblical, constructive” approach, realigning with core Reformed principles, and subsequently, in 1925, they began to follow Karl Barth’s New Reformed theology. István Tőkés, a New Testament professor at the Protestant Theological Institute in Cluj from 1973 to 1983, was mentored by these teachers. This paper explores the evolution of Tőkés’ hermeneutics and exegesis, particularly influenced by Albert Maksay.

Bibliográfiai hivatkozás

Adorjáni Zoltán: Tőkés István hermeneutikája. In: Studia Doctorum Theologiae Protestantis 15.1 (2024), 167--185