
Displaying 341 - 360 of 3375 results.
Visky Sándor Béla2016Pages: 54--66

A törvény: méltányosság. A folytatás őre. És persze alkalom az önhitt moralizálásra. Az evangélium: jó hír. A lehetetlenné vált folytatás folytatásának a jó híre. És persze alkalom az olcsó kegyelem igénylésére.

Research articleSystematic theologytörvény, kegyelem

Pásztori-Kupán István2007Pages: 242

I invite the reader to take a journey into the theological world of two little treatises written by one of the most interesting ecclesiastical figures of the fifth century coming from the Antiochene tradition: Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus.

MonographSystematic theology, Church historykeleti egyház, egyházatyák, Kalcedon, szentháromságtan, inkarnáció

The Stele of YHWH in Egypt
Balogh Csaba2009Pages: 481

This is a study of Isaiah 18-20, three chapters in the so-called Isaianic prophecies concerning the nations, Isaiah 13-23 (24-27). Beyond being located close to each other in this literary corpus, there is at least one common element that ties these three chapters together: Isaiah 18-20 deal with two neighbouring countries of the Nile, Kush and Egypt respectively. The two lands were politically closely related in the era of the prophet Isaiah, so that addressing them in proximity to each other should not be surprising in a book set in the period of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (…

MonographOld Testamentprófécia, Ézsaiás könyve, idegen népek, Kús, EgyiptomIsaiah 18, Isaiah 19, Isaiah 20

Pásztori-Kupán István2009Pages: 155--179

Research articleSystematic theologyvallásszabadság, vallásbéke, Tordai vallásbéke

Balogh Csaba2018Pages: 363--390

This article argues that Isaiah's so-called ‘refrain poem’ (Kehrvergedicht) in Isa. 9.7–20 is a composite text, going back to two early prophecies with different concerns. Isaiah 9.7–17* focused originally on the arrogant refusal of the divine word, while Isa. 9.18–20* reflected on the chaotic social circumstances in Samaria in the eighth century. The refrains in vv. 9,11cd, 16ef and 20cd were added to these two already connected prophecies at a later stage. The theological summary in v. 12 is yet another addition, closely affiliated with 5.24–25. Unlike v. 12, the refrains do not have the…

Research articleOld TestamentÉzsaiás könyve, redaction history (composition history), újraértelmezés, glosszák, IzraelIsaiah 9.7 - 20

Pásztori-Kupán István2010Pages: 77--94

Research articleSystematic theologySzentháromság, monofizitizmus

Pásztori-Kupán István2009Pages: 285--291

Research articleSystematic theologyÓrigenész, Szentlélek, Héberek szerinti evangélium

Revista Ecumenică Sibiu 3 / 1
Pásztori-Kupán István2011Pages: 25--34

This study presents the doctrinal environment of the Nicaeno-Constantinopolitanum, including its lost Tomus, mentioned by the synodal epistle of 382, in light of which the Creed’s theology ought to be explained. Despite some lacunae, modern scholarship established links between the West (Rome), the Antiochene council of 379 and the ecumenical council of 381. The Fathers’ attempts to find new methods of expressing a pneumatology based on the threefold ὁμοούσια demonstrate that the consubstantiality was meant to be extended to the Spirit. The Early Church regarded the Nicene Creed as being “…

Research articleSystematic theologyNicea-Konstantinápolyi Hitvallás, ökumené

Brueggemann Testimony
Balogh Csaba2014Pages: 7--14

The studies of this volume were presented originally at a Brueggemann-conference in the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (April 24-25, 2012). This symposium was part of a study week organised by ministers from The Netherlands and Transylvania in Györgyfalva, near Cluj-Napoca, on the eve of the publication of the Hungarian translation of one of Brueggemann's most significant books, the Theology of the Old Testament.
E kötet tanulmányai eredetileg 2012. április 24–25. között, a Kolozsvári Protestáns Teológiai Intézetben szervezett Brueggemann-konferencián…

ForewordOld TestamentWalter Brueggemann, bibliai teológia, ószövetség-értelmezés

Koppándi Botond Péter2008Pages: 256--259

Meditation, sermonPractical theologyegyházköri közgyűlés, igehirdetés (prédikáció)1 Kings 17.21 - 24

Pásztori-Kupán István2009Pages: 252--286

Research articleChurch historyTordai vallásbéke, vallásszabadság, tolerancia

Akik jó bizonyságot nyertek
Juhász Tamás1995Pages: 277--294

Research articleSystematic theology, Church historyéletmű, biográfia, teológiai tanárok

Balogh Csaba2014Pages: 27--44

In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God. While this text does not preclude the eventual authenticity of prophecies of salvation in the event that they are proven valid by being fulfilled, it nevertheless is rather strange that the book of Jeremiah ends…

Research articleOld TestamentHabakuk könyve, prófétai könyvek, prófétálás, prófécia, újraértelmezésHabakkuk

SUBB TheolOrth
Pásztori-Kupán István2013Pages: 125--134

Research articleSystematic theologydogmatörténet, keleti egyház

Visky Sándor Béla2009Pages: 51--74

Research articleSystematic theologyteremtés, evolúció, természettudományok és vallás

Balogh Csaba2012Pages: 147--176

According to Gen 1, the “classical” story of the origin of humanity, God began and finished the creation of man on the sixth day. In this view, creation is a one-time divine act dated to the dawn of history. Psalm 139,13-16 provides an alternative concept regarding human origins. The ideas permeating this Psalm are less widespread in the Bible, and they were far less influential for later theological works than the classical biblical accounts of creation. Nonetheless, these anthropological notions appear to be firmly rooted in folk religion. Making lavish use of motifs familiar from…

Research articleOld Testamentantropológia, mítosz, születés, teremtésPsalm 139.13 - 16

Fiatal kutatók és doktoranduszok VIII. nemzetközi konferenciája
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz2018Pages: 105--114

Az északi országrész, Izráel nemzeti vallásának rekonstrukciója korlátokba ütközik. Az északi szövegeket déli recenziójukban vették fel az Ószövetségbe, és lépten- nyomon észrevehető egy erős polémia az izráeli vallási megnyilvánulásokkal szemben. A deuteronomista mozgalom óta minden nem Jeruzsálemben lejátszódott kultuszt illegitimnek tekintenek, és azt retrospektív beledolgozták a szövegekbe is. Azonban még így is felsejlik az eredeti vallás kontúrja. Az Ószövetség beszámolója alapján Izráel istenét bika alakjában képzelték el és ábrázolták ki, amely a viharistenek szimbolikájára…

Research articleOld TestamentSamária, vallástörténet, viharisten

Balogh Csaba2018Pages: 1--6

Writing a commentary with one eye for critical issues and with another for interested lay readers with no knowledge of biblical languages is always a demanding task, but it becomes an almost impossible undertaking in a case such as the book of Habakkuk, insofar as most problems of this controversial small composition are closely tied to (Hebrew) textuality. Although I did occasionally have doubts regarding the accessibility of the topic and the language of exposition for the general reader, one must ultimately recognize that Oskar Dangl did attain the purpose of any serious commentary with…

ReviewOld TestamentHabakuk könyve

Balogh Csaba2020Pages: 1--6

This collection of studies going back to a conference held in 2015 in Jerusalem aims to show that there is a clear continuity of the Isaianic tradition beyond the era of the eighth-century prophet. In comparison to other books of the Old Testament, Isaiah has been one of exceptional influence throughout the centuries. The ten essay included here underline this statement from various perspectives, dealing with the reception history of Isaiah in different periods. Below I present a short overview of its content with several remarks appended to each study.

ReviewOld TestamentÉzsaiás könyve